Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Ever been to an awesome party with tons of cool rock & roll art, a wacky old dude doing interpretive locking and popping to every song in CONJOB's set and all you can pound energy drinks and vodka served by the lovely Daredevil girls? Oh ... you have? But c'mon, that last one totally sucked!

Well, thankfully for you, this one was way better and we have the pictures (snapped by the lovely Belinda Orozco) to prove it. Enjoy and stop telling everyone we've never done anything nice for you.

So here's Zha straight freaking. This is right before she did a backflip through that stucco wall behind her. Swear.

Sorry, Carp got in the way of this hot and steamy shot. It's like, "damn, fool - you best recognize!" But seriously, that's just a few bucks short of a million dollar smile. If music somehow doesn't work out, he'd have a great career in car sales.

So DJ had to be out of town and we were lucky enough to sucker Mr. Harlis Sweetwater from the one and only Thrill Deluxe into filling in. Unfortunately, he and Carp spent 45 minutes tuning up. Eventually the rest of us just smiled and started playing the bossa nova.

This, of course, is Kevin. Man, he's good. Seriously, look at those eyes. All that muscle under his shirt. Can't even imagine what he benches. Not many bad boys like him still love their mom AND abused puppies. Wow.

Here's lil Vick. She just got a new keyboard and now she never leaves the house. The men of Santa Monica don't know what hit them. They eat and drink but they don't .. LIVE anymore. Buy her an ice cream cone at the next show and she'll tell you all about the death of her car. It'll be the worst 20 minutes of your life.

Bux getting up your face. Dig it, cuz!

And with that, we wave goodbye. But before we go, are you sure you're done looking at the picture of our drummer Kevin? I mean really, can you only gaze upon the Statue of David just once? Didn't think so.

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